Are you wondering if it’s time for a website update?
If you are asking yourself this question, we can probably guarantee it is. Since in our opinion, your website should be updated consistently with new content, photos, and information.
Your website is your BEST sales tool that runs 24-7, so what is it portraying to your current and future clients? Take a minute to review the below categories and questions to see if its time to give yourself a website refresh!
At first glance, what does your site look like? Is it on brand? Is it clean and fresh?
The first impression of your site can make all the difference. If clients are not impressed by your website appearance, all it takes is a quick click to navigate to a competing company. In order to grab and keep the attention of your customers, make sure your appearance draws them in!
Example Questions to ask yourself:
- Does the style match your current brand? Colors and Fonts?
- Have the photos been updated? Are they clear and on brand?
What is your content doing for your company? Making sure you have the rightinformation displayed properly on your website can make all the difference to your clients. Customers don’t want to have to search hard for the information they need. A good website has the RIGHT information displayed that can be EASILY found and consistently UPDATED. Make sure your website content is working for you – 24/7!
You can make it a lot easier on yourself and your employees – by answering a lot of questions online!
Example Questions to ask yourself:
- Is the information accurate and up to date?
- Is the wording engaging? Does it draw the customer in?

Take some time to go through the layout of your website! This is something not every business spends time thinking about – but it is one of the most important factors of your website.
How easily is the information on your site found? Spend some time asking yourself questions that you would want to know as a consumer, then try and find the information on your website – this should help you re-evaluate your layout.
Example Questions to ask yourself:
- Is the menu clear and easy to navigate?
- Do you have a search bar for your customers to find what they need?
Basic SEO: Have you gone through your website with SEO in mind? Most people are unclear on what SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is – or how it works in regard to their website, but we can help! A beautiful, well designed website isn’t going to do you any favours if no one can find it! If you are thinking of doing a website refresh – make sure you take the extra measure to analyze your organic SEO in the process, so you can reach the right customers! If you are unsure about how to increase your SEO – send us an email to and we will tell you how we can help! Example Questions to ask yourself:
- Do your URL’s make sense and include keywords?
- Do you have content that makes sense, includes keywords and is easily readable?
If you want to take a little more time to analyze your site, send us an email to and we will send you our complete website checklist! And – if your sure its time for a website refresh, let’s get started! Contact us for more information and to get a quote on your site!!