Small Updates that can make your Linkedin Profile more effective
So, you signed up for Linkedin, added some friends and colleagues and now your highly operational network is ready for use? Yes, but it won’t be as successful as it can be. There are a few small changes to make your profile more efficient, especially when there are a few hundred million others occupying the same space.
It is important to get yourself to stand out among the competition on such a versatile platform for showcasing your skills and abilities.
Get yourself noticed with five easy and effective ways to make sure your Linkedin account is working for you:
- Custom URL: When you sign up for Linkedin, you get a URL that looks a bit messy (a bunch of random characters). In order to make your URL look more clean and efficient, include your name by editing your profile to make it look more like this: linkedin.com/in/yourname. This also helps provide a searchable Linkedin account through Google and other search engines.
- Background Photo: You can now add a background photo to your portfolio. Remember it is a professional site; make sure it aligns with your talents, career and what you are trying to portray. It can help you to stand out among your peers who may only have a profile picture to identify themselves.
- Keywords and SEO: Use effective keywords to advance your SEO so you can become as searchable as possible to those who want to seek you out. You don’t have to be an expert at SEO to know what words to pick, just make sure your profile is written with thought. Hint: pick common keywords in your industry. Try searching jobs you would love to have and pick a few words that are repeated in the job description.
- Create a Profile Badge: If you have a personal website or company, create a profile badge to add to your personal site. Go into your profile and copy the code that corresponds to the Linkedin Badge you want to use. This will help drive the traffic from your personal blog or website to your Linkedin profile and build your network.
- Join Groups: Join groups to not only build your social network, but also greatly improve your SEO. Make sure to join groups that align with your industry and career goals. Or, groups that are located in your area. This will help you be found geographically.
These are just a few, but important suggestions to increase the effectiveness of your Linkedin profile. With just a little effort and thoughtful keywords, your profile will be more searchable and active within your desired network!
LinkedIn is such an effective tool when used correctly. So, take the time to improve an important advertisement – featuring you! Who knows what till happen when you do!
If you need more suggestions or help on how to create an effective Linkedin account, contact us!