A quick overview of why you should personalize your business’ social media.
We all have a personal social media account. It could be Facebook, twitter or instagram where we connect and share our individuality with our friends and family. Then, when it comes to our businesses’ social media accounts, it changes from ‘fun’ and ‘personal’ posts to serious advertising.
Although your personal and business accounts SHOULD differ in tone of voice and professionalism, there is no need to take the “personal” out of your business account. Try to give your business account a bit of personality – by thinking of these questions:
What does your business portray?
Every platform that your business uses should reflect the same type of “feeling”. We are overwhelmed by the amount of information we flip though online. If it doesn’t strike some sort of emotion or make an impression, it will go in one ear and out the other.
Establish your business’ brand and be consistent across all platforms to spark a “feeling”, use quotes and pictures that reflect the same emotion.
What does your business want to encourage?
The posts and content you use on your website, social media and blog should inspire others. Weather it is to do something different, use your services or share your information with someone else. It should leave a desire to DO something about your content.
Try to challenge your customers and potential clients to do something related to your services. Something that goes with your brand and even better, something that requires them to check back inJ.
What is your business up to?
People want to relate with whom they are interacting with. Try giving your business a “Life” by sharing your thoughts and ideas with others. This will build a community with like-minded people, who are essentially your target market.
Try sharing a recent picture of a client meeting, or update others on where your staff is doing for lunch! Get them involved in your day-to-day.
How does your business get excited?
Let people know how your business is improving and changing. Show something your company is working towards. It helps your company appear honest, open and gets others truly excited about your business!
Share something your company is working towards and is excited about. Such as a new program, space or a new project. Others might just get excited about the same thing!
Try giving you business more of a “personality” today! If you want help establishing what that is, or need a few more tips on website or social media development, contact us!