Social Media
Similar to Facebook, Instagram is now jumping on board with providing analytics to its users! This is on top of already testing out their “Business Profiles” to help companies succeed on Instagram; they are now testing out analytics. It seems that Instagram is stepping up its game when it comes to creating a presence as a business or a brand.
So, what will the analytics provide? They can tell you where your content is being viewed (country), what time of day is your most active hour and how many people viewed your posts. This is invaluable information when you are trying to understand the world of Instagram and being a success on this platform.
The business profile that is already being tested takes a company’s Instagram to a new level. It provides a view at your analytics, a contact button besides the follow, a location tag and a category for your Instagram profile. This gives businesses more of a “home” on Instagram where they can display the specifics of their business and encourage traffic from this site.
On top of all the other helpful analytics, they are also providing something VERY useful to every business owner. Instagram Follower Analytics can provide you with a demographic overview of your following. With gender, age and location you can start to understand who is viewing your content and how to tailor it ore appropriately to your following.
There is also a section called “Insights”, similar to Facebook analytics. This is where you can see the impressions on your content. Impressions is how many times it has been seen, reach tells you how many unique accounts have seen your content and website clicks is how many people have followed the link to your profile!
Now – business users can understand Instagram! There is nothing better for us marketers than to analyze what is happening “behind the scenes”. This is one Instagram change that we are obsessed with! We cannot wait to try it out on our own profile!
Red Blue Top Takeaway:
Even though Analytics will be available soon, most companies won’t even take a look. Make sure you are checking how your current content is preforming and to whom. Make changes (if necessary) to your current content, don’t be afraid to take this information and do something different!
What are you most excited for with Instagram analytics?
If you need help with creating an Instagram presence for your company or brand, let us know! Contact us at Alyssa@redbluemarketing.com and we can give you come creative tips and advice on how to make the most of this platform